Sarah Moore

Sarah Moore

Sarah Moore is the CEO + Founder of Eleven Lights Media, a social media strategy and management company that focuses on the development of social business strategies that truly deliver results. As a social media strategist Sarah is passionate about content creation and is driven by a desire to help others stand out in this noisy space that is the interwebs.

Specifically, Sarah has grabbed the live-streaming bull by its horns and leveraged the beast for business by building her email list, showcasing her authority in the social arena, securing clients and contributing to the 2016 Periscope Summit (San Francisco) as an international speaker. She is passionate about using traditional video and live video to help businesses differentiate themselves in order to win the one thing every business is after – customer attention. This has led to her becoming one of the go to resources for business owners and managers alike.

Twitter: @The_Sarah_Moore


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